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Binance Incubation
2021/12/11 → 2022/01/23, 14:00

Binance Incubation Grant

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  • 8743投票数

  • 60.29 BNB社区资助

  • 0 BNB匹配池
  • Binance Incubation Program Season3 has closed its entry for application, please do NOT apply for this grant! If you're interested in applying for S4, please check https://forms.gle/NKBjZyYxL1E7fSqw9

Voting guide: https://hidorahacks.medium.com/binance-incubation-grant-voting-guide-3cc5dea17eca

Binance Labs Incubation Season-3 Grant will start from December 13th, 2021 to January 18th, 2022 on hackerlink.io, DoraHacks’ open source developer incentive platform. During the grant period, the 9 projects from this season will not only come to do live presentations via DoraHacks Channels to showcase their project (technology, vision, protocol, design, etc.), but be open to community contributions and earn recognition among the community!

This Grant round, as part of one of the first Web 3-native incubation programs in the world, innovatively merges crypto-native governance and contribution mechanism via HackerLink.io, a platform that provides a unique set of on-chain tools to incentivize open-source projects and developers. The projects will be supported by crypto-native contributions from the community and in exchange, they would be constantly required to improve and advance in order to validate community approval. It is also an invitation of all community members to participate in the incubation program, contribute to the incubated projects, and build a better Web 3 ecosystem together with Binance Labs.

What should an incubator in the Web3 ecosystem look like? By this grant round, Binance Incubation Program as the most influential incubator in the crypto world is establishing a community-involved incubator and incentivizing the projects via crypto-native mechanisms. This embarks the era of Web 3-native incubators that we shall envision and continuously explore in the near future.


Quadratic Voting: December 13 - January 18 (2022)

Project Live Demo: January 10 - January 15 (2022)

Final Demo Day: January 21 (2022)


Bird.Money-Defi / Credit

Bird is building a new type of decentralized oracle that empowers blockchain developers with access to plug and play machine learning analytics products for the next generation web platforms.

Block Ape Scissors-Game

Block Ape Scissors is a play-to-earn ecosystem built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), incorporating gaming, NFTs, and DeFi together into exciting, diverse and rewarding opportunities.

Copycat Finance-Trading

Copycat Finance is a decentralized copy trading and copy farming platform on BSC where innovative social trading meets the high-yield social farming revolution.

GAT Network-Game

GAT Network is a web of connected NFT trading and gaming projects that has already launched several projects on BSC.

Mint Club-Social

Mint Club is a smart token building platform without the need for coding or providing liquidity on the BSC.


Raydius is a middleware solution designed to create a more connected blockchain ecosystem.

SkyArk Studio-Game

SkyArk Studio is a Singapore-based blockchain gaming studio.

Tranching Protocol-Defi

Tranching Protocol is a yield optimization and hedging protocol implementing tranching for yield farming.

Wombat-Defi / Stablecoin

Wombat.Exchange is a hyper efficient multi-chain stableswap.


  1. 登录以 GitHub 或 Email
  2. 点击 申请 Grant 用已有 BUIDL 或新创建一个 BUIDL 来申请
  3. 选择 对应类别
  4. 连接钱包注册 BUIDL 上链


  1. 准备 BNB 在你的钱包里
  2. 切换到相应的网络
  3. 填入这个 Grant BUIDL 页面 选择你想要支持的项目
  4. 链接钱包,跟进弹窗中的引导